Thursday, October 9, 2014

"Every time I watch The Oscars, I cringe when some famous movie star – trophy in hand – starts to deconstruct the secret to happiness. It’s always the same thing, and I can never hit “mute” fast enough to escape the inevitable cliches. “Don’t give up on your dreams kids, no matter what.” “Don’t let anyone tell you that you don’t have what it takes.” And of course, “Always follow your passion!”
- Mike Rowe

Well said Mike. Well said.


  1. Just to let you know, you need to keep an eye on Joan if Mike Rowe ever shows up in town.

    That's assuming she doesn't need to keep an eye on you -- NTTAWWT.

  2. 'Shroom, I have to keep an eye on the Hermit if Sophia Loren is still alive somewhere on life support.

  3. In my case, Sophia Loren or Maureen O'Hara.

  4. Yes, I think every young, red blooded American boy liked the idea of putting Maureen over his knee now and then.
