Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November Has an 'R'
Old School Oyster Harvest
Here's a quikie for today:

John Wesley, the Methodist, found it natural to approach the Gospel with habits of thought formed by a classical education but he was quick to recognize the value of other approaches. The early Methodist meetings were often led by lay preachers with very limited education. On one occasion, such a preacher took as his text Luke 19:21, "Lord, I feared thee, because thou art an austere man." Not knowing the word "austere," he thought that the text spoke of "an oyster man." He spoke about the work of those who retrieve oysters from the sea-bed. The diver plunges down from the surface, cut off from his natural environment, into bone-chilling water. He gropes in the dark, cutting his hands on the sharp edges of the shells. Now he has the oyster, and kicks back up to the surface, up to the warmth and light and air, clutching in his torn and bleeding hands the object of his search. So Christ descended from the glory of heaven into the squalor of earth, into sinful human society, in order to retrieve humans and bring them back up with Him to the glory of heaven, His torn and bleeding hands a sign of the value He has placed on the object of His quest. Twelve men were converted that evening. Afterwards, someone complained to Wesley about the inappropriateness of allowing preachers who were too ignorant to know the meaning of the texts they were preaching on. Wesley, simply said, "Never mind, the Lord got a dozen oysters tonight."
- Source unknown


  1. That's a great story. Yeah, maybe that's just the kind of message those dozen needed to hear. The Spirit was just optimizing withn the parameter space -as I like to say.

  2. I try to remember that I don't have to be an Augustine/Bonhoeffer to share the Gospel.
    Someone once said, "The man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument".

  3. The lay preacher may not have known the letter of the law but he did know the Spirit. :)

  4. Like the preacher I've told about who said he received his healing from a coronary problem when he read Psalm 108:1 in the KJV -- "My heart is fixed". Works for me.

  5. Works for me too.
    Or like the preacher preaching on at-one-ment and how God wants us to be at one with Him.
    I'm so glad that God is bigger than our definitions of Him. If He doesn't meet me in my ignorance, where will He meet me?
